Drip, drip, drip...

"God sometimes does His work with gentle drizzle, not storms. Drip, drip, drip." - John Newton.

We watched Amazing Grace last night & when I heard this quote it was a much needed reminder for me. God does His work in so many different ways. There's not a formula that He uses for everything & everyone. Sometimes He moves in situations, struggles, & stories with instant healing, power, change and we're wowed & amazed at the quick answers to our prayers & all that He's doing in our situation. Those are beautiful life altering moments.

But we can't forget that He also moves just as powerfully through the "drizzle"…drip, drip, drip. It's harder to see what He's doing & we can lose heart because we like the wow moments & instant clear answers, but there's a work being done in the drizzle…it takes a little longer and can get annoying but if we hang on & trust that He IS in the drizzle too we will see the power & purpose in it. God has moved in my life in both the wow of the storm & the daily drizzle and usually it's in the drizzle that I grow the deepest roots and in the end am completely wowed at what He was doing in each drip, drip, drip when I was unaware.


  1. Love love this. So true! Thanks for the reminder, friend.


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