Joy in all things, Peace that passes sweet Gram.

This is sweet Gram yesterday when she got home from the ER. Gracie (her dog) was so happy her mama was home. Gram had her 2nd seizure within a month so we took her to the ER. Her attitude & peace throughout the whole thing has been so powerful to watch. Waiting in the ER she was so in the moment, not worrying about her future or what was next, she just spoke with the nurses so sweetly & was just chatting it up with mom & I. She had this peace & calm & trust that was amazing to witness.
Once they took a scan & saw blood on the brain they took her in an ambulance, sirens, lights & all downtown to Vanderbilt. She was in the back of the ambulance all strapped onto the stretcher, when they got to Vandy, the EMT’s opened the back of the ambulance & her first words to them were, “Now wasn’t THAT exciting!” She had a big ol smile on her face… knowing she had blood on her brain & in the unknown of it all she was just full of joy, kindness, peace & adventure still.
She’s 92, lives on her own, drives & is just living a good life. And it’s not from healthy eating (she eats Little Debbie honey buns & MSG ridden Stovetop Stuffing daily) but her faith & trust in God give her this peace & joy that I believe has kept her so young. Anyway that’s my Gram brag. Continuously moved & inspired by this woman.


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